Fast and Easy Steps Take a few minutes to make the change
Steps to make the change
Thank you for your ongoing generosity here at River Run! Your heart for ministry is what allows us to continue serving this community and sharing the life changing message of Jesus!
As we talked about last year, our goal is always to make sure that the majority of what you give is going toward actual ministry and not something like processing or subscription fees. In an effort to continue with that goal in mind, we are making some updates to our communications systems here at River Run, one of those being our giving platform. In order to switch over to this new platform, we have laid out some easy steps for you to follow that will allow this to be a seamless transition from our current PushPay platform to our new platform for ministry management, Subsplash.
We are very excited about this change for many reasons because in addition to streamlining the workflow for the church staff, it will also save the church a minimum of $5,000 each year in subscription and processing fees! It is our hope to make this transition as easy on you as possible!
Below you will find the steps to guide you through how to transition your current recurring gift(s) established with PushPay and moving them over to Subsplash Giving. In order to make this transition as smooth and efficient as possible, our goal is for all River Runners to complete these 2 quick steps no later than February 1st.
Your generosity not only funds our mission but extends our outreach.
Here’s a quick overview of the ways that you may give to River Run Church. We are happy to track your donations and provide you with giving statements if you include your name and address with your donation.
During the response time in our worship service, simply bring your offering to one of the baskets at the back the Worship Center.
Simply click here to make a quick donation or set up a giving profile through our secure interface.